
What Is A Beta In Animal Jam

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The Beta Testing was the testing catamenia where Creature Jam Headquarters allowed the general public to test out their newly-created game Animate being Jam Archetype. Information technology initially started sometime before May 2010 as a "Closed Beta" in which the game was tested by a limited group of players and public signup was not yet available, as evidenced by private feedback pages that appeared as early as March 27, 2010. The open beta started later in the year sometime earlier July 2010 with the first public sign-in page appearing onetime effectually May 21, 2010. The open beta allowed anyone to test out the game without restriction until September nine, 2010, when the game was officially released. Every bit the Beta Testing represented an early phase for the game, the features that were available were very limited, but all Jammers had access to the aforementioned features.


There were merely four land areas in the entire game during Beta Testing - Jamaa Township, Lost Temple of Zios, Sarepia Forest, and Crystal Sands. Scattered around the lands were little leaf buttons that would present found trivia in a pop-up when clicked.

Jamaa Township

Jamaa Township was the primary land where Jammers first entered. There were paths leading to Lost Temple of Zios beyond a bridge on the right and to Sarepia Forest forth a path on the top right. The boondocks centre had a spiral-decorated path with a round lath for Jammer Central that changed style multiple times throughout testing. The top left of this state has a dark blue statue of Mira picking upward her right human foot and spreading her wings. This land surface area contained the merely two shops in the entire game, Jam Mart Vesture on the left and Jam Mart Piece of furniture on the right. The other rooms in this area were the Medical Eye at the lesser left, Club Geoz at the bottom right, and the Pillow Room just below Jam Mart Clothing. This land besides included the mini-game River Race toward the bottom of the area.

Jam Mart Clothing

Jam Mart Clothing was a castle-like building that independent a pocket-sized room in the top left of Jamaa Township. This room displayed various clothing items for sale and it also included a Recycling car. Before July 2010, this room was really located at the lesser right of Jamaa Township and its interior layout was flipped so that the archway was on the left instead of the correct.

Jam Mart Furniture

Jam Mart Furniture was a small house in the top right of Jamaa Township. It contained a small room that displayed various article of furniture goods for sale and also included a Recycling machine.

Club Geoz

Club Geoz was a small-scale dance club themed room in the bottom right of Jamaa Township. Information technology featured trip the light fantastic toe floors and a DJ berth. Most the entrance were 2 arcade machines for Spider Zapper and Phantom Fighter. In the early on stages of Beta Testing, information technology was located in a dissimilar area of Jamaa Township and the interior was flipped horizontally such that the leave was on the correct side, merely this changed sometime afterwards June 2010.

Pillow Room

The Pillow Room was a small-scale lounge themed room located along the bottom left of Jamaa Township. It only independent pillows and decorative pots as a type of hang out room for buddies.

Medical Eye

The Medical Center was a small infirmary themed room located at the very bottom left of Jamaa Township. Information technology contained decorations that made it seem like a storage room for a hospital.

The Lost Temple of Zios

The Lost Temple of Zios was a night jungle environment. It had paths leading to Jamaa Township on the left side, Crystal Sands on the bottom right side, and Sarepia Woods on the top right side. The eye of the jungle featured a Monkey Statue with the Temple of Trivia game off to the correct at the base of an elephant statue. The statue was replaced by the statue of Zios, shortly afterward Beta Testing ended. On the far left side, in that location was a temple entrance that was boarded off side by side to a small stream. To the top right, there was another temple construction with a door leading to the Chamber of Noesis. Simply right of this doorway was a smaller structure that had covered windows and no doorways.

Bedroom of Noesis

The Sleeping accommodation of Knowledge, originally called the Chamber of Mysteries, was a long, narrow room full of mysterious items and books. This first room featured pocket-sized tables with picture reels on them and a doorway on the far right side. The adjacent level was another long room filled with ancient relics, mysterious symbols, and iconography of the Alphas as well as the guardian spirits Zios and Mira. This second room featured the Gem Ball game near the entrance and interactive candles along the walls.

Sarepia Wood

Sarepia, later renamed to Sarepia Forest, was a dense woods land with giant, redwood-similar copse that were continued by a wooden catwalk-similar construction. The forest floor had a campfire in the center and a patch of behemothic mushrooms off to the right. In the top left of the catwalk, at that place was a modest, round hut with a harbinger-similar roof that was locked and could not be entered. Simply higher up and to the right of this hut was the Current of air Rider game. On the top right, there was another hut that led to the Theater Lobby. There was a steep metallic slide on the bottom right side of the wooden platforms that led back downwards to the forest floor.

Theater Anteroom

The Theater Anteroom was a large round room that was mostly empty. Its exterior featured a wide film-reel sign that was surrounded by lights in a higher place the doorway. Off to the left of the interior was the doorway leading dorsum out to Sarepia Forest. Along the top left wall was a concessions stand with a sign in a higher place it that read "Snacks" in brown messages. The stand included the Popcorn Automobile game. To the right side of the room was a doorway leading into Sarepia Theater.

Sarepia Theater

Sarepia Theater was a small room with a large screen on the wall that played various brusk clips virtually nature and animals. The room was initially bright when first entered, just the lights would immediately dim every bit the flick clip started. The floor of this room had 2 Small Tables along with an assortment of pillows. Off to the right side of the room was a cabinet with a sign that read "Movies" above information technology. There were simply a handful of movies to cull from.

Crystal Sands

Crystal Sands was a sandy, tropical beach with thick jungle, sharp cliffs, and a volcano in the groundwork. On the left side was a big tiki-style house that had a large wooden pineapple sign forth the peak. Entering this house would pb to Captain Melville'southward Juice Hut. Just below the hut was the Overflow game along the shoreline and just to the right, in that location was a sand castle with a piffling red flag on the top. There was as well a totem statue in the background and tiger face-shaped caves, which may be a reference to Sir Gilbert, the tiger alpha, due to Crystal Sands being his guardian land. Crystal Sands kept this look until July 2011.

Captain Melville'southward Juice Hut

Helm Melville'south Juice Hut was a big room that had a tropical embankment theme. The room included The Hook game on the left near the archway and the Smoothie Machine at the top by a fruit stand up.


During Beta Testing, the Beta Den was the only den available to all players. The den opened with a large bridge that connected to a ii-story den and had a ladder connecting to the upper floor. Outside is a front yard with a small puddle to play in, a row of fences, a variety of plants and flowers, and a plethora of fern-like plants hanging on the fences and out in the background. At that place is a mountain range and thick jungled lands out in the distance beyond the ferns. It too had a basement, which was connected to the main floor by a rock staircase. The bridge outside would pb back to Jamaa Township. Players could position their purchased den items around the den as well equally optionally activate a purchased flooring and a purchased wallpaper that would change the pattern for all of the floors and walls respectively. Players could ain only up to 100 den items and there were only 38 den items to choose from forth with 10 floor choices and ten wallpaper options.

Animal Avatars

The just available animals were the Tiger, Wolf, Bunny, Monkey, Koala, and Panda. These animals could exist customized with master and secondary colors, eye shapes and colors, and pattern styles and colors; however, the color palettes each consisted of only a five wide, four tall grid of twenty colors. The animals could also be decorated with clothing accessories that were purchased separately. In that location were only twenty-six head items, v neck items, 7 body items, four leg items, and i tail item to choose from. However, the tail item was removed from the game towards the stop of Beta Testing.


Jammers could travel around the lands by clicking where the animal should try to become. Jammers could also perform certain actions such as hopping, dancing, playing, and sleeping, which would crusade their animal to continuously perform the said activity in an endless loop. Jammers could interact with other players past clicking on their Names to reveal their Player Cards.

Player Cards

Actor Cards were the principal way of interacting with other players during the Beta Testing. They could be viewed by clicking another histrion'southward avatar proper name or by clicking one of their Buddies' names in their Buddy List. The histrion card during this fourth dimension could be used to transport a buddy asking, visit the other player'southward den, send Jam-A-Grams to the other histrion, block a histrion, report a player, or view a histrion's animals.

User Interface

The superlative left of the game interface had a row of vi icons for Jam-A-Grams, the Buddy List, the Jamaa Journal, a greyed-out bays icon for Achievements (which was not yet implemented), a greyed out book icon for the Journey Book (which was also not yet implemented), and a stack of Gems to but prove how many Gems the actor had currently. The meridian correct of the interface displayed the name of the current room or area, an alarm clock icon for the Play Timer, and a sheriff's badge icon for reporting other players.

Across the lesser of the screen was a wooden console that acted as the main interface. The left side included the Modify Your Wait button above the player's username, the Switch Animals button, the animal action push, the Emoticons button and the predefined chat button with the chat textbox in the middle. The right side included the My Den push, the volume toggle button, and the Jamaa World button.


Jam-A-Grams were images that Jammers could send to i another with one of many predefined messages fastened. Item gifts could too be attached to the bulletin for the other player.

Buddy List

The Buddy List was but a list of the player's current Buddies. Information technology displayed a greenish dot next to buddies that were online and a grey dot next to those that were offline. Online buddies boosted showed the avatar proper noun of the brute that they were currently using. The player could click the buddy names to view their Player Cards, merely in that location were no other options available.

Jamaa Journal

The Jamaa Journal started during Beta Testing with the first release being on July 8, 2010. A new book of the periodical was released every week on Thursday.

Play Timer

The Play Timer warning clock acted as a parental control characteristic. It immune a parent or guardian to specify a time limit for a child's time on the game.

Change Your Look

The Change Your Look carte allowed the thespian to view their clothing inventory and select items to wear. Below the item inventory was a large "Sort By" push that allowed the actor to rearrange the item listing by certain types. This bill of fare likewise immune the role player to customize their animal's colors, pattern, and eyes, only in that location were just 20 color options available for each. The eye of the bill of fare had a bones preview of the fauna with a large "Clear" button that would remove the changes.


Games were introduced sometime earlier July viii, 2010, as their controller icons can be seen in the earliest screenshots before the Jamaa Periodical was introduced. These were basically short activities that players could do alone or with other Jammers, depending on the game, for fun and/or to earn Gems. Some games did not reward Gems for playing them, such equally The Claw, which rewarded various den items and actually cost Gems, as well as the Smoothie Motorcar and the Popcorn Machine, which rewarded temporary Holdable Icons of smoothies and popcorn respectively. To play these games, Jammers had to travel to the correct area and then find the floating game icon. Initially, there were very few games to choose from, but more games were introduced towards the terminate of Beta Testing.

Click Expand to View
Double Up Icon.png Double Up
Icon of Gem Ball.png Gem Brawl
Icon of Overflow-0.png Overflow
Phantom Fighter Icon.png Phantom Fighter
Popcorn Machine
River Race
Smoothie Machine
Icon of Spider Zapper.png Spider Zapper
Games Temple-of-Trivia.png Temple of Trivia
The Claw
Icon of Wind Rider.png Wind Rider


Items from Beta Testing

During the Beta Testing, at that place were but two shops, Jam Mart Wear and Jam Mart Furniture. Items sold in these shops at the time accept been nicknamed "beta" since they were released during the Beta Testing. These items could be purchased past any players provided that they had enough Gems to buy them. All of the clothing items had multiple color varieties for sale, only the den items each had just one color diverseness. There were a total of 100 items bachelor in all.

Jam Mart Wear

Click Expand to View
Article of clothing
Shop-Beta Antlers.jpg Antlers
Shop-Beta Arctic-Hood.jpg Arctic Hood
Shop-Beta Beard.jpg Bristles
Shop-Beta Big-Skull.jpg Large Skull
Shop-Beta Bunny-Hat.jpg Bunny Lid
Shop-Beta Butterfly-Wings.jpg Butterfly Wings
Shop-Beta Cat-Hat.jpg Cat Chapeau
Shop-Beta Chicken-Hat.jpg Chicken Hat
Shop-Beta Cool-Hair.jpg Cool Hair
Shop-Beta Elf-Armor.jpg Elf Armor
Shop-Beta Elf-Bracelets.jpg Elf Bracelets
Shop-Beta Flower-Bracelet.jpg Blossom Bracelet
Shop-Beta Gazelle-Horns.jpg Gazelle Horns
Shop-Beta Glove.jpg Glove
Shop-Beta Horn-Helmet.jpg Horn Helmet
Shop-Beta Leaf-Necklace.jpg Leaf Necklace
Shop-Beta Leg-Armor.jpg Leg Armor
Shop-Beta Lion-Hat.jpg Lion Lid
Shop-Beta Mask.jpg Mask
Shop-Beta Mech-Angel-Helmet.jpg Mech Angel Helmet
Shop-Beta Monkey-Hat.png Monkey Hat
Shop-Beta Necklace.jpg Necklace
Shop-Beta Ninja-Mask.jpg Ninja Mask
Shop-Beta Old-Hood.jpg Old Hood
Beta Panda hat.PNG Panda Hat
Shop-Beta Pirate-Beard.jpg Pirate Bristles
Shop-Beta Pirate-Hat.jpg Pirate Hat
Shop-Beta Police-Hat.jpg Law Hat
Shop-Beta Princess-Necklace.jpg Princess Necklace
Shop-Beta Fox-Hat.jpg Rare Fox Hat
Shop-Beta Rhino-Helmet.png Rhino Helmet
Shop-Beta Royal-Cape.jpg Majestic Cape
Shop-Beta Skull-Helmet.jpg Skull Helmet
Skully.png Skully
Shop-Beta Spartan-Armor.jpg Spartan Armor
Shop-Beta Spartan-Helmet.jpg Spartan Helmet
Shop-Beta Star-Cape.jpg Star Greatcoat
Shop-Beta Sword.jpg Sword
Tiara White Beta Shop.png Tiara
Shop-Beta Top-Hat Black.jpg Top Hat
Shop-Beta Unicorn-Horn.jpg Unicorn Horn
Shop-Beta Viking-Hat.jpg Viking Hat
Shop-Beta Wings.jpg Wings

Jam Mart Furniture - Den Items

Click Expand to View
Den Items
Shop-Beta Art-Easel.jpg Fine art Easel
Shop-Beta Beach-Ball.jpg Embankment Ball
Shop-Beta Blue-Mat.jpg Blue Mat
Shop-Beta Blue-Rug.jpg Blue Rug
Beta books873.png Books
Shop-Beta Bubblegum-Machine.jpg Bubblegum Machine
Cami's Frog.png Cami'south Frog
Shop-Beta Computer.jpg Computer
Shop-Beta Cool-Banner.jpg Cool Imprint
Shop-Beta Disco-Ball.jpg Disco Brawl
Shop-Beta Fancy-Chest.jpg Fancy Chest
Shop-Beta Fire-Pot.jpg Fire Pot
Shop-Beta Fish-Bowl.jpg Fish Bowl
Shop-Beta Fountain.jpg Fountain
Shop-Beta Heart-Couch.jpg Heart Burrow
Shop-Beta Jukebox.jpg Jukebox
Shop-Beta Magma-Lamp.jpg Magma Lamp
Shop-Beta Map.jpg Map
Shop-Beta Mat.jpg Mat
Shop-Beta Orange-Mat.jpg Orangish Mat
Due north/A Pillow
Shop-Beta Pink-Lamp.jpg Pinkish Lamp
Shop-Beta Pirate-Chest.jpg Pirate Chest
Shop-Beta RC-Car.jpg RC Car
Shop-Beta Robot.jpg Robot
Shop-Beta Rocking-Horse.jpg Rocking Horse
Shop-Beta Small-Table.jpg Modest Tabular array
Shop-Beta Speakers.jpg Speakers
Shop-Beta Striped-Couch.jpg Striped Couch
Shop-Beta Strobe-Light.jpg Strobe Calorie-free
Shop-Beta Sturdy-Table.jpg Sturdy Table
Shop-Beta Swords-and-Shield.jpg Sword and Shield
Shop-Beta Television.jpg Telly
Shop-Beta Train-Set.jpg Train Set up
Shop-Beta Vanity-And-Mirror.jpg Vanity And Mirror
Shop-Beta Wall-Torch.jpg Wall Torch
Shop-Beta Window.jpg Window
Shop-Beta Zios-Sculpture.jpg Zios Sculpture

Jam Mart Furniture - Flooring

Click Aggrandize to View
Shop-Beta Blue-Shag-Carpet.jpg Blueish Shag Carpeting
Shop-Beta Blue-Vines.jpg Blue Vines
Shop-Beta Flower-Carpet.jpg Bloom Carpet
Shop-Beta Grass-Carpet.jpg Grass Carpeting
Shop-Beta Moon-Dirt.jpg Moon Dirt
Shop-Beta Pink-Swirls.jpg Pink Swirls
Shop-Beta Slate-Floor.jpg Slate Floor
Shop-Beta Tan-Carpet.jpg Tan Carpet
Shop-Beta Yellow-Diner-Tiles.jpg Yellowish Diner Tiles

Jam Mart Piece of furniture - Wallpaper

Click Aggrandize to View
Shop-Beta Blue-Sky.jpg Blueish Heaven
Shop-Beta Blue-Star-Walls.jpg Bluish Star Walls
Dust-Striped-Walls Beta Store.png Dust Striped Walls
Shop-Beta Pink-Argyle-Walls.jpg Pink Argyle Walls
Shop-Beta Pink-Forest-Walls.jpg Pinkish Forest Walls
Shop-Beta Pink-Striped-Walls.jpg Pink Striped Walls
Shop-Beta Planet-Walls.jpg Planet Walls
Shop-Beta Starry-Walls.jpg Starry Walls
Wavy-Pink-Walls Beta Store.png Wavy Pink Walls
Shop-Beta Yellow-Sweets.jpg Xanthous Sweets


Recycling was introduced during Beta Testing sometime before Baronial 5, 2010, as advertised on Jamaa Periodical Volume five. It was featured equally a machine located in the shops where Jammers could trade back unused items in substitution for some Gems. The number of Gems received was less than the original cost to purchase the item from the shop. One time an particular was recycled, it could not exist retrieved without buying it again and at that place was no confirmation window to foreclose Jammers from accidentally recycling the incorrect item.

Unavailable Features

A vast bulk of the features that are now commonplace in Animal Jam Archetype were not available during Beta Testing. Some of those unavailable features include but are non limited to the following:

  • Achievements
  • Adventures
  • Badges
  • Daily Spin & Member Spin
  • Jammer Wall
  • Journey Book
  • Monthly Fellow member Gifts
  • Parties
  • Pets
  • Rare Item Monday
  • The Daily Explorer
  • Trading


This is an instance of a nonmember beta histrion wearing an item that is now members-but.

During the Beta Testing, it was possible to accept "mate" as the animal's third name. This was later removed for potentially inappropriate content.

  • All of the original animals (except for the wolf) had large googly eyes in their original default advent.
  • During the early stages of the Beta Testing, animals performing the "slumber" activeness would keep their eyes open instead of endmost them.
  • Beta accounts may still wear beta clothing that is now members-just. For instance, a nonmember beta player tin still wear their Wings or Spartan Helmet if they bought them during the beta testing, simply if the role player takes those items off, they cannot put it back on unless they purchase a Membership.
  • At the end of the Beta Testing, all active participants received one free calendar month of Membership.


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